Gold Recovery and Mercury Remediation from Contaminated Deposits in North Africa

Currently in North Africa, an APT GoldKacha demonstration site has been set up, showing operators how they can recover gold whilst also remediating mercury from existing mercury contaminated feed material. Our distributor stated “The artisanal miners are gobsmacked. Look at all the mercury we also recovered in the GoldKacha from their ore!”

This is excellent news as the dangers of mercury contamination are becoming more widely known, and it is of utmost importance to us that artisanal miners are aware there is a solution that not only recovers gold more effectively, but also removes mercury from the environment during the process.

We look forward to taking the next steps with our clients on the road towards a safer environment with a prosperous future!

For all enquiries, please contact us via, +27 (10) 035 1001, or by clicking here.