Behind APT's Expertly Engineered Mineral Processing Plants

APT has been in business for an established time period and during that time we have worked to consistently improve. Equipment doesn’t just happen – this is not just about cutting and welding steel. It is about the correct design, the smart design, so that when you use that equipment maximum mineral recovery is achieved through the most efficient means. 

APT was initially formed after years spent in a mineral testwork laboratory. Our whole company was, and still is, based upon a thorough understanding of minerals and metals. Pair that with our thorough knowledge in engineering, and you have a power house. As such, APT are first and foremost minerals processing engineers; we understand minerals, how they behave and how to separate them from the waste rock. We not only work closely with our clients where required, we also have a sizeable department that deals with ongoing Research and Development. We know how our plants work in various situations from mathematically to in the field, because without proper knowledge how can you make proper equipment? 

The mineral testwork laboratory mentioned above remains a key player in our industry today, to make sure the plant you are considering is correct for your ore. This laboratory has been operational since 1984 and has done work for companies all over the world, including the largest ones. 

When you purchase APT equipment, you are safe in the knowledge that we are the source of the best solutions, not by accident, but through science and knowledge. 

Please contact us here or email us on for further information and quotes. We look forward to assisting you!