“MLI Mining utilize the APT groundbreaker range of equipment, the Jaw Crusher JC25, the JCRD15, and MKIII and MK IV GoldKacha concentrators. Installation, commissioning and production was achieved within 3 days of equipment arrival on site and with the assistance of APT technicians achieved full production of 30ft a day within 7 days. Gold recovery was achieved on day one. Utilization of the integrated system allowed consistent throughput with high recoveries at low costs, sufficient to give project confidence in up-scaling to the RG200 JCRD Combo plant which we hope to order in the near future. ”
The hard rock crusher solution! We developed the JCRD hard rock crusher plant specifically for crushing stone and gravity recovery of minerals in clean, hard rock ore bodies. The plant uses a 2-stage Jaw Crushing and RD Wet Impactor crushing circuit, followed by the required concentration modules such as a Knelson or Spirals circuit.
Improved liberation at particle sizes courser than a ball mill for significantly lower capital and energy requirements.
Pre-packaged, pre-plumbed and pre-wired, with all the necessary components needed to start mining quickly.
The JCRD offers a very simple straight through-flow system & there is no re-circulating loads. From mineral-bearing hard rock through to final concentrates in one neat, fuss-free package.
Plants range in size to include 5tph and 10tph. Various recovery options are available. Please contact us for further information.