APT Awarded Mineral Processing Plant to Mine in Madagascar
APT are proud to announce that we have been awarded an order for a 10tph modular gravity plant to a mine in Madagascar for gold recovery. The plant is required to be, and will be, manufactured in record time. It will be pre-assembled and dry run at our facilities before it is moved to site. This process allows us to ensure the efficiency of the machinery, reducing on-site installation time and commissioning delays. Once on site, APT’s engineers will install and commission the plant with the client, leaving a fully comprehensive modular solution from ore through to bagged mineral concentrates. This also enables our client to be well-versed in how to operate the modular gravity plant and will ensure optimal gold recovery in Madagascar.
To see a similar site, although not exactly the same, please view the video below. This will give you an idea of what APT's equipment is like. Our video footage is taken by our installation team when they have the opportunity, so what you see is a mine operating in reality and everything how it truly is.
We are always aiming to raise the bar and trust that our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers and technicians will continue to do so. This award represents a milestone for APT as it is the first substantial modular gravity plant in this territory and promises to be the herald of many more gold recovery plants in the beautiful country of Madagascar.
For further information, please contact us via info@aptprocessing or on our website here.